
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Finalists of the Philippine Blog Awards 2007

I got a pleasant surprise when I woke up this morning from my brod Bikoy Villanueva who informed me that both our blogs were named finalists in our respective categories at the Philippine Blog Awards. This blog is one of five finalists for the travel category. Wow! I also found out that Karlo de Leon made it too as one of the finalists for the photo blog category.

Looking back, this blog has indeed brought me places, both literally and figuratively. For me, being named a finalist is recognition enough! My appreciation goes to the panel for considering this blog and to all of you who visit and take time to read it. Good luck to all the finalists!

Read about my latest roadtrip here.

* * *

I just found out while bloghopping tonight that this blog is also one of the finalists of the Blog - Personal category of the Web Awards. To the Club, thank you very much!


  1. Congrats Ivan, as always! We have to shoot our Amazing Race Asia 2 video entry na!!!

  2. Haha! Oo nga! I hope we make it to that one!

  3. Anonymous21.3.07

    Congratulations! You do deserve to be in the finals. Your posts are well written with matching awesome photos. Good luck & God bless! :D

  4. Anonymous21.3.07

    Way to go Ivan! I volunteer to write your acceptance speech...

  5. Anonymous21.3.07

    Hip-ho-hep-hooray! This one's for Pamgpanga too! What will be your acceptance speech like? C'mon tell me, no time to be modest..

  6. @jaypee, thanks!

    @alex castro, ikaw talaga! I'm happy enough to be a finalist. With thousands of blogs in the Philippines, being a finalist already says a lot. But it would be nice too if the blog gets top honors. Thanks!

  7. Congrats! You are a sure winner! Well deserved!

  8. Anonymous22.3.07

    Congratulatins Ivan.

    I found your blog last night and am now going thru 2005. I just finished July (reading about Kapanpanga? really made me hungry). Will be reading more tonight!

  9. Anonymous22.3.07

    [...] I wasn't really into blogging before, but thanks to Ivan Henares, I have an alternative to sleeping when Im not carrying a backpack or my luggage around... His blog "Ivan About Town" is included in the Travel Blog category [...]

  10. Anonymous22.3.07

    [...] Well I am not expecting to win, knowing that my kasimanwa Ivan Henares also made the cut. Ivan’s blog far more better than mine. But anyway, making it this far is a great honor for me already. [...]

  11. Anonymous22.3.07

    [...] At least, all hope is not lost. We do have a couple of websites from the private sector (read: tayo) that do the trick. Here's a small sample... [...]

  12. Anonymous23.3.07

    Sir Ivan, Congratulations for making it to the finalists list. One of the inspirations of travel blogging and passion for heritage preservation. Keep it up! And I'll keep you updated here in the Visayas! :)

  13. Anonymous23.3.07

    Congratulations for being a finalist for the Philippine Blog Awards 2007 under the Travel Category.

    I'm part of the organizing team for the Awards Night and am making the rounds to gather the contact info and establish direct communication with the finalists. This will give us an avenue to give instructions and other details.

    May we ask for the following please?

    Real Name:
    Email address
    Mobile Number
    City and Country where you are based

    Once this is settled, we'll know where to communicate the Awards Night details with.

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    All the best to you and your blog.
    - Jun

  14. Hi Jun, where can I send the said information? My e-mail is Thanks!

  15. Anonymous23.3.07

    My first time here. I see, after reading, you are a finalist in blogging. Wow.
    720 pixels

  16. wow daming napuntahan!!!! waaaa!! sarap maging tourist ^___^ sana mapuntahan ko din yan someday ;)

  17. Anonymous24.3.07

    [...] I haven't had time to browse all of them yet but here are my favorite blogs now. I'm sure you will enjoy reading them all... Ivan about town [...]

  18. Anonymous26.3.07

    [...] Backpacking, cultural heritage and advocacies; what do these terms have in common? They can all be found in one corner of the Philippine blogosphere; Ivan About Town. [...]
