
Monday, April 16, 2007

The P1 fare of Cebu Pacific... take two!

They're offering it again. Round-trip Visayas tickets are less than PHP2000 while Mindanao destinations are about PHP2500. Check out Cebu Pacific for more details. And yes, I booked again, this time to Cotabato and General Santos City with friends.


  1. Wow!!! How do they earn money through these promos? I wonder? Hmmm. Thanks for the info!

  2. Anonymous17.4.07


    If you're going to General Santos City, I hope you're really going to Lake Sebu. There's a few daily jeepneys to Surallah, then a tricycle or taxi to the town on the south shore of the lovely lake. The Tiboli market is on either Saturday or Sunday (I forget) and there's plenty of great hikes around the nearby hills to villages. But no, no Tasaday. That was a Marcos thing.

  3. Anonymous17.4.07

    Oh, and the local Catholic church runs a very fine hotel at Lake Sebu with clean rooms and serious old nuns who scower at you with presumtatory Catholic glares. It's only a few dollars a day, but just make sure you are going to Lake Sebu on the weekend for the market. Otherwise, you probably won't see any ladies dressed in traditional Tiboli garb.

  4. wowwww! so cheap....i guess its gonna beat PAL in due time as far as domestic flights are concerned...sana andiyan ako sa Pinas paa maka avail ako ng napakamurang promo na yan...
    btw, i included you in my link--your blog is like a philippine history/social studies book....and congrats pala, you deserved it. your new blogger-friend

  5. Anonymous17.4.07

    I'm heading to bohol with a couple of friends on october.. gosh, i can't wait! :D

  6. Anonymous19.4.07

    kuya ivan,

    kindly email our sked for the trip ha. whos coming with us?

