
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spain: ¡Viva Madrid!

I just arrived in Madrid, Spain today together with my group from the Institute for Foreign Study, after a 19-hour trip from Manila via Doha, Qatar. Our destination is the Mediterranean city of Valencia, four hours from Madrid by bus.

Before proceeding to the bus station, we asked the Enforex staff to stop at an attraction. And they brought us to the Puerta de Alcala. Stay tuned for more stories from Spain!


  1. Anonymous29.4.08

    You will surely love Madrid. :)

    By the way, I am an avid reader and a "travel-phile" like you "if there's a word". I stayed there for 2 weeks, (2 days in Salamanca, Castilla y León).

    A short visit to Rizal's monument in Avenida de Filipinas would surely make you feel proud as a Filipino.

    ~el cineasta

  2. nice. looking forward to that post. you have an interesting travel blog.

  3. wow. super kaiinggit! enjoy your stay there and looking forward to pics you will be posting. Please take of pictures of the food you'll eat then. I'm excited to see the culture there.

  4. That's great! My fiancee and I just came from Valencia. Check out the new City of Arts and Sciences and the various bldgs there (incl the Ocean Aquarium and the Science Museum). Nice time to to visit Malvarrosa beach as well. The America's Cup port and the F1 race track (construction ongoing) is near there as well. Take a tour of the Lladro factory and museum. Valencia is where they are all made. Great shopping at Calle Colon (El Corte Ingles, Sfera, and various shoe stores selling new styles of espadrilles). Eat paella valenciana, and drink horchata. Enjoy!

  5. Lucky you!
    Enjoy your stay in Spain !

  6. Anonymous8.5.08

    This may be late for this trip of yours, but you should do a tour Jose Rizal's Madrid - the places he lived in and frequented.

    Contact the Philippine Embassy in Madrid and they can email you a guide.

  7. Hi everyone! Thanks for all your comments! I don't think I'll be able to explore Madrid since we'll be stuck in Valencia and Barcelona for the next few weeks. The only time I'll get to see Madrid again is when we go to the airport for our flight back.

    But Valencia and Barcelona will be a lot already and I'll reserve all the exploring for my next trip :)

  8. Anonymous13.5.08

    viva espania! madrid is lovely! siesta is still widely practiced so you'll find that some of the shops (smaller ones) are shut from about 1pm to 4pm. coffee drinker? then try their espresso, for me it's the best i've ever tasted! and it was just in one of those obscure sidewalk cafe in a town called avila.

  9. Yeah, it's amazing how Spain sleeps from 3 to 5 p.m. I don't think I'll be able to visit Avila since it's quite far from our program location.
