
Friday, September 26, 2008

Canada: Bonjour Quebec!

I was in Quebec, Canada to attend the International Forum of Young Researchers and Professionals in Cultural Heritage, the annual meeting of the International Cultural Tourism Committee of which I'm a member, and the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly.

Things have been so hectic since that trip and I haven't had much time for myself. So in the meantime, you can check out my photos which I update quite regularly:

2008-09-26 Quebec, Canada (Vieux Quebec)
2008-09-27/29 Quebec, Canada (Vieux Quebec)
2008-09-30 Quebec, Canada (Vieux Quebec)
2008-10-01 Baie-Sainte-Catherine, Canada (Whale watching near Tadoussac)
2008-10-02 Quebec, Canada (St. Lawrence River cruise)
2008-10-03 Quebec, Canada (Île d'Orléans, Montmorency Falls & Vieux-Quebec)
2008-10-05 Montreal, Canada (Old Montreal)
2008-10-06 Montreal, Canada (Olympic Stadium & Mont Royal)
2008-10-07 New York, USA
2008-10-08 Washington DC, USA
2008-10-10/11 Los Angeles, California, USA (Hollywood)

I still have one more post on Thailand so watch out for that. Come to think of it, I still have some Indonesia and Singapore posts from last year. So I'll throw that in as well before continuing with the Canada (Quebec & Montreal) and U.S. (NY, DC & LA) posts. But I'll work my way back and start again with my recent local trips. (November 2, 2008)


  1. Are you intended to come home one day ? ;-)

  2. Hey Sidney! Glad to see you're back. I'm at work right now so I guess that would count as home. But I'm leaving again tomorrow :)
