
Monday, February 16, 2009

Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines on the Cultural Heritage of the Catholic Church

The Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines,

Acting, on the part of the Holy See, in accordance with the declarations of the Second Vatican Council on religious liberty and the relations between the Church and the civil society, as well as the norms of Canon Law, and, on the part of the Republic of the Philippines, with the principles of its Constitution and applicable laws,

Considering that the cultural heritage of the Catholic Church in the Philippines constitutes a very significant part of the cultural patrimony of the Nation;

Realizing the need for close cooperation between the Church and the State as regards the ecclesiastical cultural heritage;

Have agreed as follows:

Article I
The Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines, each within its competence, are committed to cooperate for the protection of the cultural heritage of the Catholic Church.

Article II
This cooperation includes the movable and immovable cultural heritage of artistic and historic significance, comprising the colonial churches declared as legally protected by the Republic, museums, archives and libraries, belonging to ecclesiastical institutions and organizations.

Article III
The two Parties shall cooperate for the conservation, appreciation and proper use of the cultural heritage mentioned in Article II.

Article IV
The Holy See, through the Apostolic Nunciature and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, and the Republic of the Philippines through the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) shall together agree upon the provisions for the conservation, appreciation and proper use of the cultural heritage of artistic and historical significance owned by ecclesiastical institutions and organizations, harmonizing the implementation of Philippine legislation with the norms of Canon Law and the exigencies of the pastoral activity of the Church.

Article V
The Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines shall proceed by mutual accord to resolve any difficulties that should arise in the future concerning the interpretation or the implementation of the present Agreement.

Article VI
This Agreement requires ratification. It shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of the instruments of ratification.

Done in Manila on 17 April 2007, in two copies in Italian and English, both having equal force.

For the Holy See

For the Republic of the Philippines

(Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines on the Cultural Heritage of the Catholic Church entered into full force on 29 May 2008, following the exchange of the instruments of ratification between the Holy See and the Republic of the Philippines.)


  1. The same baffles me as well!

  2. They had an agreement????? Those altar servers aren't the only ones who are harassed by those bastards, even the churches who have nourished the Faith of many have been torn down, as if stripping them of what was once majestic. It reminds me of Judas when he tried to stop Mary Magdalene from pouring perfume onto Jesus' feet.
