
Sunday, August 09, 2009

UAAP Basketball: Ateneo vs. La Salle... Cory wins!

In one rare moment for UAAP basketball, yellow was the color of the Araneta Coliseum during an Ateneo-La Salle game. It was a very touching opening, prayers led by both sides, while images of President Cory Aquino flashed on the screen. Then the stadium all sang an emotional Bayan Ko before the "hostilities" began.

Well, with the start of the game, all civility and proper behavior was thrown out the window like in all Ateneo-La Salle matches. At least for a few minutes, both sides were one. The power of Cory was most felt in the Big Dome! Cory wins! The country wins! And Ateneo wins in overtime, 76-72!

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