
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Register now for heritage conservation and cultural tourism conferences this November!

There will be two heritage events organized by ICOMOS Philippines and the Heritage Conservation Society this November. I highly encourage everyone to attend both events

ICOMOS ICTC International Conference on Cultural Tourism
The International Conference on Cultural Tourism will be held in the City of Vigan, Philippines from November 7-8, 2012. The event is organized by ICOMOS Philippines and the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC). Vigan as venue for the conference is most apt as it is an example of a World Heritage Site as an emerging tourism destination.

Through this event, expert members of ICTC, ICOMOS Philippines and representatives from developing countries of Asia and the Pacific will establish association with national and local officials, government cultural agencies, tourism policy makers and stakeholders, cultural workers, educators and students to discuss present day issues on tourism and heritage. The benefits of community participation in conservation and cultural tourism programs as an essential aspect of cultural tourism and the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention will become the underlying themes of the conference.

For registration to the conference, e-mail Note that seats are limited. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Payment of conference fee confirms your slot. Conference fees: Professional (Php3,500 inclusive of lunch on both days, conference kits) and Undergraduate Student (Php600 inclusive of packed lunch on both days, conference kits). Check out the Facebook event page. Here is the list of conference papers as of August 27, 2012.

Heritage Conservation Summit 2012: Economics of Heritage
After six successful years of organizing the Philippine Towns and Cities Conference, the Heritage Conservation Society now brings you the Heritage Conservation Summit 2012 on Saturday, November 24, 2012 in Batangas City.

Heritage advocates, cultural workers and government agencies will gather in Batangas City for the Heritage Conservation Summit 2012. This year's theme is the Economics of Heritage where discussions will revolve on how to make heritage conservation economically viable and sustainable.

For registration to the conference, e-mail Conference fees: Professional (Php1,000) and Undergraduate Student (Php300). Check out the Facebook event page.

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