
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Into the Green Zone: Palawan Islands

Palawan is one of the jewels of the Philippines. And if there's one book about Palawan that will inspire you even more to visit or one that you should have at home to show visitors, Into the Green Zone: Palawan Islands is it!

As expected, the photos are spectacular. We expect nothing less from George Tapan. The coffee table book features landscapes, wildlife, archaeology, built heritage, the people and culture, environment and industry of Palawan among many other very interesting aspects of this beautiful province.

Palawan is such a vast province, I have yet to explore many of its highlights. George Tapan traveled extensively around Palawan to complete this book which gives a glimpse of many places we only read about in books.

The book costs Php3,500 and is very well worth the price. There are discounts for bulk orders. Details are in the book's website. Photos in this post are from the book.

When news of the book's release was announced online, it got me salivating. Little did I know I'd get a complimentary copy from the publisher. Thank you!

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