
Saturday, June 14, 2014

PLDT Home DSL's "Ask Diego" getting good following

PLDT Home DSL recently launched a new TV commercial featuring Diego Ledesma, a bright, handsome and witty young boy. How he stole the heart of many was unprecedented. The PLDT Home DSL commercials always center on family to show how important family values and strong connections are at home.

For this new series, the Ledesma family is featured. Their claim to fame began with seven-year-old Diego, who now has tens of thousands of fans on his advice column on Facebook, “Ask Diego.”

The Ledesmas are the perfect fit for the commercial because they are the ideal example of today’s young, urban family: tight-knit, enjoys doing things together online using multiple gadgets simultaneously to help one another out. That’s where PLDT Home DSL’s limitless and reliable family-sized connection really comes in handy. This kind of strong connection helps keeps the family together, in more ways than one.

Some people initially raised their eyebrows at the thought of a child being on Facebook, but upon learning that values is paramount in the Ledesma household because his parents monitor the page constantly, Diego started getting so many questions on topics ranging on love, studies, and bullying, all the way to vacation and business ideas. Before he sees the questions, Paolo and Lara delete offensive content, and sometimes answer the more difficult questions themselves. Then they help him type out answers, especially when he asks about how to spell words. On occasion, Diego also gets ideas for answers from his Ate Trisha.

Check out "Ask Diego" on

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