
Saturday, November 08, 2014

View of Hobart and the Government House from the Tasman Bridge

One of the images of Hobart that stuck in my mind was that of the city at the foot of Mount Wellington as we crossed the Tasman Bridge coming in from the Hobart International Airport. So I planned to walk over to the bridge during my last day, even though I had just an hour or two to spare.

The bridge was a 3 kilometer walk from my hostel. And I had to walk really quick to get back in time for my bus to the airport. That was great exercise in very pleasant weather. I finally made it to the bridge after close to 45 minutes. 

But I realized when I got to the midpoint of the bridge that the view I was looking for was further down the bridge and the other side. You could however see the Government House, the official residence of the governor of Tasmania, from the bridge. The Victorian Gothic style building was built between 1855 to 1858, and was once described as the best viceregal residence among British colonies. In any case, time was running out and I had to turn back.

Walking back, I realized that one could view the upper neighborhoods of Hobart from the Hobart Aquatic Center!

I passed through Franklin Square on my way back to the hostel. I had a few minutes to spare before leaving for the airport.

On the bus, I took this snapshot from the other side. If I had more time, I would have wanted to explore the area across the Derwent River for even better views of Hobart. But my trip to Tasmania was really quick. It was a great four days.

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