
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Five Filipino core values: Mapagpasalamat, Matatag, Masigasig, Mapagmalasakit and Magalang

Happy New Year to everyone! Filipinos always see the entry of another year as a time for change. We all have our own resolutions and promises to improve ourselves. But definitely, we all want to change for the better.

Alaska’s Krem-Top coffee creamer recently launched the Change for the Better campaign to remind Filipinos that we always need to improve ourselves to make us better persons and a better country. To me, resolutions are not only for the New Year. It's a good excuse for everyone to make New Year's resolutions. But if you are really determined, you don't need New Year to change for the better. We have to do it the whole year.

During the launch, Dr. Mina Ramirez, President of Asian Social Institute, shared with us five core values that Filipinos have which we can utilize to make us change for the better. These are Mapagpasalamat, Matatag, Masigasig, Mapagmalasakit and Magalang.

It's quite difficult to translate these terms into English since the Filipino meaning often loses it's essence when translated. But let's try to describe each value.

Mapagpasalamat means Filipinos always know how to show gratitude. That's why we have utang na loob as a Filipino trait. We always know how to return a favor. Matatag is evident in the world renowned resiliency of the Filipino spirit. We know how to survive any challenge that we face. We know how to stand up every time we fall.

We have so many hardworking Filipinos here and abroad. Which is why Masigasig is obviously a core value of Filipinos. At the same time, Filipinos know how to show compassion. We are always there to help others. Filipinos are definitely Mapagmalasakit.

Finally, a true Filipino know how to show respect and courtesy. The use of po, opo, and pagmamano are Filipino ways of showing respect to elders. We are no doubt, Magalang.

Do you agree with these core values?

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Santa Cruz Island, Zamboanga City's pink sand beach!

Yes that's right, pink sand! The prospect of visiting Zamboanga City's pink sand beach – Great Santa Cruz Island – was more than enough reason to hope that the rains that had been pouring down on the city would stop even for a brief moment. Zamboanga Hermosa, the city's fiesta, and rain come hand in hand. But they say when the image of the Nuestra SeƱora del Pilar is brought out for her procession, the skies clear up. I was hoping the skies would clear up for our trip too!

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Capul Church, Watchtowers of La Union, Gota de Leche and Lopez Ancestral House declared by National Museum

I'm updating the Philippine Registry of Cultural Property (PRECUP) with four declarations from the National Museum this year. I was told there may be additional declarations for 2014. But in the meantime, eight properties have been added to the list.

Newly-declared National Cultural Treasures (Category I) include the Saint Ignatius de Loyola Parish Church in Capul, Northern Samar and the Watchtowers of La Union: Bacnotan, Balaoan, Luna, San Fernando and San Juan.

Two Important Cultural Properties (Category II) were also declared namely the Gota de Leche of Manila, and the Lopez Ancestral House in Balayan, Batangas.