
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tamchoe Monastery in Paro, Bhutan

Between Paro and Thimphu in Bhutan is the Tamchoe Monastery. Also know as the Tachog Lhakhang, the monastery built on top of a small hill beside the Paro River dates back to the 15th century.

The temple, together with its iron-chain hanging bridge that crosses the Paro River, was established by Thangtong Gyalpo, a Buddhist architect and yogi, who was also known as Chakzampa or the Iron Chain Maker. Born in Tibet in 1385, he built iron-chain bridges in Tibet and Bhutan to help Buddhist pilgrims visit holy places.

Tachog or Tachogang means temple of the hill of the excellent horse. While here, Thangtong Gyalpo had a vision of the spiritual horse Balaha, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara who turned into a flying horse to rescue merchants who were shipwrecked and fell into the hands of ogresses at the island of Lanka. His vision made him decide to build the temple there.

This is among the first temples visitors to Bhutan see upon their arrival since its on the way to Thimphu from Paro Airport.

We didn't get to walk up to the temple itself. But we crossed the iron-chain hanging bridge for the experience. For more Bhutan photos, follow @ivanhenares on Instagram. To visit Bhutan, you need to book a tour with a travel agent. If interested, e-mail me at

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